Victoria's Secret is CANCELLED

Victoria's Secret has officially cancelled its annual fashion show. The show's ratings have been declining in recent years, and Victoria's Secret has decided to rethink its marketing and the concept of the show. I think that the show was cancelled due to the recent surge in the body positivity movement, and that other popular brands are starting to include more diverse body types. The thing about Victoria's Secret is that they claim to have "diverse" models, because they showcase different skin colors, but honestly I just see the same body copied over and over again. The average American woman is 5’4” and has a 38” waist, while the average Victoria’s Secret model is at least 5’9” with a 24” waist. You would think that the goal of a lingerie company would be to sell lingerie, but it seems that Victoria’s Secret is more interested in selling an ideal image of beauty to its consumers. The lineup for the fashion show has remained completely unchanged on the basis of body types for the past two decades and to be honest, people are tired of it. People are sick of not seeing the same body over and over again, and the “fantasy” that Victoria’s Secret has been perpetuating for years now is finally being recognized for what it is: an unrealistic representation of the female body which profits off of insecurity and caters to the straight male gaze. 


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